Tooth Extractions Mesa
Better Oral Health is Possible
Did you know that a single decayed or damaged tooth can put your oral health at risk? When the tooth is no longer viable, it can cause potential problems for any healthy structures that exist nearby. That is if you refuse to remove it. At Julian Dentistry, we never seek out tooth extraction as a first step, but we will recommend it if all other options prove unsuccessful. Call us to schedule an appointment to find out more about tooth extractions in Mesa and how they can be beneficial to your oral and overall health.
Why Choose Julian Dentistry for Tooth Extractions?
- Root-to-Crown Replacement with Dental Implants
- State-of-the-Art Dental Technology
- We Treat Patients of All Ages
When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

It is never our intention to remove any of your natural teeth; however, if we find that a dental crown or root canal treatment is not successful, the only solution will be to remove the tooth. This will likely be our recommendation if:
- You have a badly damaged tooth that cannot be saved
- You have extreme dental decay that is posing a serious risk to your oral and overall health
- Your child has a baby tooth that will not come out on its own and needs help to allow the permanent tooth to erupt
- You require orthodontics to fix overcrowding but need to have one or more teeth removed to ensure adequate space for successful results
- You’re suffering from advanced gum disease, resulting in teeth becoming loose